Rather than snow flakes, snowmen, and snowball fights, Alexandria’s Christmases consisted of sunny bright afternoons, beach trips, and cool nights. Although Alexandria and her family didn’t usually have a winter Christmas, they did have a few white christmas. With white christmas trees, fake snowflakes all around the house, and white christmas lights around the house, a Christmas in Miami could get pretty close to a winter Christmas.
The inspiration from the books Christmastime In The Sunshine with Coco The Magic Rock and Christmastime In The Snowtime with Coco The Sand Girl, actually came from Alexandria and her family’s different winters experienced in Miami vs. the winters experienced in Pennsylvania. Christmastime In The Sunshine with Coco The Magic Rock tells you everything there is to do during Christmas time in the sunshine. While Christmastime In The Snowtime with Coco The Sand Girl talks about all the things you can do during Christmas time in the Snowtime. If you want to know about all the things to do you’ll have to read about it!
Alexandria’s writings began after receiving nearly a perfect score on the fourth grade FCAT writing exam. Throughout elementary school Alexandria wrote creative stories with her sister, Zoe, and her dad. Either Alexandria or Zoe would be the author for the day and write the story while one would be the illustrator of the story. These stories filled journals with imagination. Alexandria worked alongside her older sisters, Bria and Morocco, as they wrote B4 Champions, the non-fictional story about the journey to becoming a professional tennis player. One of Alexandria’s illustrations was even published in the book. Alexandria was also one of the main authors in their book Child Survivors of Natural Disasters which served as an effort to bring awareness to the affects natural disasters can have.
Currently, Alexandria is attending college studying Economics and International Affairs, while being involved as a writer for the website Ufitopedia.com that promotes being healthy and fit.